Here, a high CO 2 content is inferred to mean a high aerosol concentration and thus the greater probability of virus transmission.ĬO 2 measuring devices for business premises and public buildingsĬO 2monitoring is also necessary in many industrial areas. In addition, the coronavirus can spread faster in closed rooms. In closed rooms where there are often many people, such as classrooms, teaching rooms, etc., values of 2,000 to 3,000 ppm carbon dioxide occur after a short time if the room is not ventilated properly. Performance, concentration and well-being are already impaired at a concentration of 1,200 ppm carbon dioxide. High levels of Carbon dioxide are only noticeable to people through the negative effect on the human body which includes:įrom 800 ppm, the air is considered polluted. CO 2 traffic lights for schools and classrooms There are a variety of reasons for CO 2 monitoring in business premises, public and residential buildings. Read more about the connection between coronavirus and indoor climate. Thus, CO 2 meters for schools, public buildings and offices are not only helpful devices for better indoor air quality and supports our ability to concentrate, but also increase hygiene standards and protect against viruses such as the coronavirus. With a high CO 2 value, one can conclude that there is a lot of exhaled air and/or that there has been no air exchange (ventilation) for a long time. Carbon dioxide is an odourless and tasteless gas.Ī research group at the Technical University of Berlin has discovered that high CO 2 levels are an indicator for possible virus-laden aerosol concentrations in the room air. The reason for this “thick air” is primarily the exhaled carbon dioxide. We are all very familiar with this: poor ventilated flats, stuffy classrooms or conference rooms with stale air.
In our online retailer area you can find out where you can purchase CO 2 meters from TFA Dostmann. CO 2 traffic lights thus make a decisive contribution to indoor air quality. Our CO 2 meters monitor the CO 2 concentration level in schools and classrooms, in offices and meeting rooms, homes and other indoor settings. In our guide to CO 2 measuring devices, we have compiled a lot of information and explain how the CO 2 concentration is related to indoor air quality and an increased risk of transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19). With a measuring device for CO 2, you too can ensure optimal air quality in your rooms. It is therefore not surprising that the indoor air quality has a major impact on our health and wellbeing.ĬO 2 is not only a climate killer, but also an essential indicator of air quality in schools, public buildings, offices and homes. CO 2 meters show you visually and/or acoustically when the CO 2 concentration is very high that you must ventilate the room. The device determines the levels of CO 2 in the room, given in ppm (parts per million). A CO 2 meter, also called a CO 2 traffic light, CO 2 detector or CO 2 alarm, measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in the indoor air.